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Taiwanese Lu Rou Fan (Braised Pork Rice) 滷肉饭

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Another dish off my “to-improve list”! I added more depth of flavour this time by adding fried shallots and garlic into this dish. It was the best idea that i’ve ever had! It’s savoury, a little spicy, a tad sweet and extremely fragrant. I am very happy with this recipe and I’ve even made an extra bowl for my brekkie tomorrow. It’s that good!


  1. 250g – 300g pork belly, sliced in thick pieces
  2. 2 star anise
  3. 1 tsp five spice powder
  4. 5 shallots, sliced
  5. 5 cloves garlic, chopped
  6. Sauce mix: 1/8 cup light soy sauce, 1/8 cup hua diao wine, 2 tbsp dark soy sauce, 1 tbsp thick dark soy sauce
  7. 1 heaped tbsp of rock sugar cubes
  8. 300ml water
  9. 2 firm tofu squares
  10. 2 hard boiled eggs
  11. 4 chilli padi, whole
  12. Chye sim or bak choy, blanched
  13. Rice


  1. Fry shallots and garlic until golden and crispy. Dish up onto paper towels.
  2. Add pork to a pan and fry until lightly brown.
  3. Add in five spice and star anise and fry until fragrant. Add in fried shallots and garlic and toss well.
  4. Pour in sauce mix and rock sugar.
  5. Pour in water and bring to boil.
  6. Add in firm tofu and hard boiled eggs.
  7. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes. Stir occasionally. In the last 15 minutes, add in chilli padi (whole).
  8. Slice tofu and half the eggs.
  9. Serve with steamed rice and chye sim, with plenty of sauce.

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